Stress Reduction

Stress Reduction in Metairie, LA

We are all looking to fulfill goals of security, success, and pleasure. Unfortunately, our tendency and our conditioning provide to us uncomfortable means and ways of distress to achieve our goals.
It is a paradox that unless we recognize it, we will not be able to re-condition ourselves and our cynical distorted goals of pain and suffering will continue to be our ally.

We live in a world of duality and we get expose to the comfortable and the uncomfortable experiences. Any experience in our lives gives us the opportunity to grow and to be more in charge. We need to continuously remembering our deeper goals of security, success and pleasure. It is our right. It is the natural way of our existence. It is God’s gift.

The more we are aware of our deeper natural stages of consciousness, the more we are going to find silence in the turbulence.
We welcome and invite you to find a new sense of wellness and wellbeing in your life.
It is a well-known fact that persistence on the uncomfortable levels of stress has a negative effect on your health and in the quality of your life.

lease visit our clinic to have a better understanding of your right to reduce your stress and to create more wellbeing.
There are many modalities available for you to consider:

    • Meditation
    • Breathing Exercises
    • Progressive Muscle Relaxation
    • Hypnotherapy
    • Electromagnetic fields with pulse bio-feedback including Ondamed
    • Clear mind
    • REIKI
    • Healing Touch
    • Others including Tai-Chi, Chi-Cong, and Yoga

Consciously Healing Our Webs of Health, Wellbeing, Success and Abundance