For more than 45 years, Dr. Llanos’ gynecological services have been offering yearly female wellness visits.
A yearly comprehensive Wellness Visit is part of the medical services that Dr. Llanos offers to his patients.General comprehensive laboratory tests, mammogram and pap smears as well as bone density,ultrasounds and more are recommend when indicated.
Our wellness visit is more than an examination, laboratory or diagnostic evaluation. It includes a unique care, suggestions and appropriate recommendations in regards of weight, blood pressure, and body-mass index. It is mainly to encourage his patients to look for more wellbeing through a very integrative self-care.
A review of the benefits and the side effects of the medications that the patients are taking, and destructive habits are evaluated to help them to care more for themselves.
Recommendations of appropriate diet, exercises, and other mind-body techniques including yoga, meditation and more are discussed when necessary.
Dr. Llanos books, self-care bibliography and large amounts of supplements from reputable companies, are at the disposition of our patients to help them harmonize their own health.
During his many years of practice, Dr. Llanos assisted with wellness visits to husbands and other male members of Dr. Llanos’ patients. Dr. Llanos is very happy to continue and expand serving his female and male family patients through a yearly wellness visit.
press released of the three books and the two you tube videos
The Art of Our Conscious Self-Transformation