Author Raul Llanos shares his experiences with self-development and actualization in this deeply personal work.

Raul Llanos sets forth a deep personal guide to self-help with the most absolute clarity and intrigue.  He draws the reader into the complexity and challenges of self-healing while presenting a simple and easy to understand explanation.  Based on his service to his patients as a physician, role as a self-provider and personal experiences as a patient and self-growth, Raul Llanos can share with the world the “Power of Self-Healing.”


In the everlasting journey of personal healing, Raul Llanos reveals how people can empower themselves by being responsible for their health, illness and experiences as a whole.  With this empowerment, people grow more grateful of their existence and strengthen their acknowledgment of the freedom of their choices.  Raul Llanos builds on this central theme to raise self-awareness and self-consciousness amongst his readers.  Most importantly, it will guide them in their journey on the self-healing process.


“We are in an opportune time to reveal answers to the questions of, ‘who we really are,’ ‘where we are coming from,’ and ‘where we will go,’” said Raul Llanos. Through the process of Self-Healing, we increase our awareness and consciousness of our challenges and the Power of our Self-Knowledge.


For more information on the “Power of Self-Healing” book, please click the following link:Power Of Self-Healing
Dr. Llanos is the author of the following books:
The Power of Self-Healing  www.thepowerofselfhealing.com
El Poder de NuestraCicatrizacion  www.elpoderdenuestracicatrizacion.com
Consciously Healing our Webs of Health, Wellbeing, Success and Abundance www.healingourwebs.com
The Art of Consciously Healing our Addictions www.theartofconsciouslyhealingouraddictions.com

The Art of our Conscious Self-Transformation www.theartofourselftransformation.com

By the summer of 2018 his sixth book will be on the market: Consciousness and Wellbeing